Building Materials, Construction Materials, Garden Soil


Architecture - Cape Town

2020 was a disaster, it threw us off the loop and made us look at our homes with a totally different perspective. The pandemic has given us a hard time to think over the shape, design and features our homes are built with. With the effect of working from home purposes, we felt a need to redesign our houses and instill some unique features keeping in mind our comfort, luxury and requirements. With this blog, we would like to share some custom home designs for 2021.

Embrace the nature


Staying indoors for the most of our time in 2020, we became more irrational towards the outside world. More effort should be paid to bring the outdoors in; like installing house plants, using organic materials and textures in building and using nature-inspired prints or designs in home. One can also use botanical, floral, animal or water bodies wallpapers to give it a natural look. As far as the trendy designs are concerned, natural and stained wood has booked its place in the market of interior designing and is highly preferred over the painted one. Also rattan and wicker seem to make a comeback shortly.

In addition to these, people nowadays desire to give a shape to their outdoor game in the look of a garden. Builders 365 focus on making your home stay more comfortable and enjoyable to give you a feeling of outdoors. From covered patios to seating arrangements and many more, we got it all covered to provide you a hassle- free comfortable in-outdoor experience which is genuinely needed in 2021.

A ray of sunshine

Natural light is essential for an immunity booster. With this pandemic an urge has risen up to boost up our immunity. People these days try to grasp as much natural light as they can. Glass and aluminium doors and windows as well as proper indoor lighting plays a vital role in improving our atmosphere of living. Keep a heads up in keeping each block of your house lit up. Start with engaging natural light as much as possible and then add artificial lights, like overhead lights, floor and table lamps, LED lights and many more. You can also add a little sparkling light in the children’s room or play area to create a fun atmosphere. Note that lightning will always make your subconscious live in inner-peace.

Classic, Modern and Vintage


With people their choice of design also varies. Some are a fan of classic and some love the mixture of modern and vintage interiors. This world has moved out from sleek contemporary and is creating space for a blend of both new and old.

Matching outfits and matching furniture have now become obsolete, people are more in love with one kind of art furnishings and decor. Enjoy the coolness and modern and stay in touch with Vintage. In short this viral trend of mixing modern with vintage is the new love of this generation.

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